An inexperienced detective causes issues in the investigation of a dead filmmaker on The Mysteries of Laura. "The Mystery of the Deceased Documentarian" is the 21st episode of the show's first season.

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The Mysteries of Laura
The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 21: "The Mystery of the Deceased Documentarian"
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The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 21 Quotes

Jake: It's strange seeing you eat that.
Laura: Yeah, decided to start a health kick.
Jake: Hal's got doughnuts.
Laura: Kick's over.

Jake: I guarantee the boys will love that one.
Laura:'s not just the boys. I hope you don't mind, I...
Jake: Oh! You invited Tony.
Laura: Following your lead, getting the kids to know the significant other. That's not weird for you, is it?
Jake: No. It's fine.