Though D'avin isn't exactly responsible for trying to kill Dutch and Johnny, he's coping with his guilt. Can the team heal? And what is that device sitting between them?

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 8: "Come the Rain"
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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

John: Hey guys, you're feeling adrift. Guess what? Me too. See, we've been through a lot, but right now we're a bit stuck. On the plus side, we've been through a lot and we'll get through this too. But first, you have to answer the big question. Are we a team?
Dutch: I'm gonna kill him. Sorry, bad choice of words.
D'avin: Nah.
John: So I'm forcing you to do the one thing that you hate; talk. Every time you both answer honestly, you get to make a move. Move all the pieces back into place and Lucy starts up again.

John: Hey hey, do exactly what I say we're in the line of fire.
Pree: What?
John: It's a Company flash. Those guys, they just hit an immigration center. Shot two guards and made off with a ton of seventh generation claim IDs.
Pree: Oh damn.
John: See that dude over there? He's Company. Get to cover before he does something stupid.
Pree: Too late.