D'avin takes a moment to appreciate how incredible Dutch looks. It's inevitable two attractive people will hookup. That said, how will this relationship affect the team? Fancy Lee warned John that 80% of trios fail.

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 7: "Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye"
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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Dr. Bliss: I was her assistant when the company first brought he over to the Quad.
Dutch: Not a good fit?
Dr. Bliss: Well, she had no vision. She was a total corporate whore. I told her there's a huge consumer need for this type of service. We could've cornered the market, but oh no she wanted to dance with the ones that brought her.
D'avin: So she stayed with the company and you stole her technique?
Dr. Bliss: No, I improved it. Jaeger just removed memories; I implant them.

Pawter: I'll give you Grayson's location. I hope your team can use him to find Jaeger.
D'avin: Where is he?
Pawter: Somewhere I sincerely hope you don't end up.