David clearly escapes his captors. Where did he find a working car and who does he plan to turn to? It's not like Claire will listen to anything he has to say about the V1s. Share your theories in the comments below.

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Dominion Season 2 Episode 5: "Son of the Fallen"
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Dominion Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Arika: Now, where were we?
David: You have to get me out of here. Tell Claire I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get back to Whele tower.
Arika: David you slept with an 8-ball.
David: We both know that's bullshit. Claire just has to release a statement exonerating...
Arika: David shut up. Tell me about Zoe. The crate, what's inside?
David: C-4, maybe a few hundred pounds. They stole a truck this morning. Plan is to blow up Caesars Palace and Claire with it.

Alex: Well, a lot happened while you were away. Noma and I survived the aerie. Made it all the way to New Delphi. Hell, we even captured a Dyad.
Michael: A Dyad?
Alex: Yeah, Julian.
Michael: Alex, a Dyad is far stronger than any 8-ball. Julian will want the markings for himself. Please you must come with us.
Alex: Who's us?
Michael: Gabriel.
Alex: You came here with Gabriel?