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Chesapeake Shores
Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Episode 10: "Before a Following Sea"
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Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Abby: Bree, it's not that bad.
Bree: Really? Um, a fictional novel broke our family, and now a fictional character is about to break the rest of my life.
Jess: Caroline is planning on ruining your life?
Bree: She might, yeah. I mean, based on how last night went.
Jess: Well, she might be too late.
Bree: Oh, thanks.

Megan: Hey, I'm glad that you're getting along with your dad.
Connor: Yeah, well. It's news to me.
Megan: Connor. Con. I'm sorry. For everything.
Connor: Thank you for saying that.