D'avin went through hell on that torture ship, but he truly bonded with his team. With Khlyen forcing Dutch into one last mission, can D'av and his little bro handle things without her?

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 6: "One Blood"
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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Turin: The company is looking hard for this ship. If they find out the thief's a Killjoy, that's bad for all of us; especially Joe. We find him first. We find him fast. This is your warrant.
Group: The warrant is all.
Turin: Oh and as a little extra inventive, the Killjoy who brings him in gets ten thousand joy.

D'avin: Okay guys what the hell's a black warrant?
Dutch: Competitive warrant, top Killjoys only. Best team wins.
John: In other words, grab your shiniest toys and your biggest balls. You're about to meet the family.