The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 10 -- Judgement -- Tom Holland

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The Crowded Room
The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 10: "Judgement"
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The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Stan: One more witness, Your Honor.
Judge: Alright, go ahead.
Stan: The defense calls Danny Sullivan to the stand. That's you.
Bailiff: Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Jack: I do.
Stan: For the record, please state your full name and address.
Jack: Daniel Sullivan. 9 Elm Rd. Elbridge, NY.
Stan: Only that's not true, is it?
Jack: I am fairly certain that that is my address.
Stan: Not your address, your name. Are you Danny Sullivan?
Jack: Of course, I am Danny Sullivan. Who else would I be?
Stan: Isn't your name Jack?
Patricia: Objection. Whatever the defense is running at ...
Stan: Danny Sullivan has the presumption of innocence. It is his right. And in this case, that requires that we at least consider that that is not Danny. I'd like to talk to Danny.
Jack: And that you are, Sir. In the flesh. I'm up here. I very much appreciate the chance to tell my side of the story, if that's OK.
Judge: OK. Danny, go ahead.
Jack: I hated my stepfather. Before he came, it was just my Mama. When he did, he treated her terribly. I guess you could say he was abusive to her. I begged her to leave, but she was so scared. I was not just gonna sit, let him hurt her. I guess that's why I stayed so close to home. The abuse never stopped. If anything, it only got worse. All I wanted was to scare him into leaving. I know what I did was wrong. And I take full responsibility.
Stan: Your Honor, I have a hostile witness.
Judge: That hostile witness is your client.
Stan: And as I said, I don't believe he is. Really, I just need a little leeway if you'll allow it. Your Honor, please.
Jack: Mr. Kimisu, you are embarrassing yourself.

What happened to Danny, what happened to Adam, none of it was Danny's fault. But he doesn't know that. His guilt, his shame, they're keeping him from being able to see what what really happened. So we have to show him. That's what works with Danny. He's beautiful that way. He will fight you. But when you show him the truth, eventually he will believe you and he'll be able to see what really happened. And so will the jury.
