Daniel and Wilhelmina sit next to each other as Co-Editors of Mode Magazine at Fashion Week in the upcoming episode of Betty, "There's No Place Like Mode."

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Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 15: "There's No Place Like Mode"
Daniel Meade, Wilhelmina Slater
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Ugly Betty Photos, Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 15 Photos, Daniel Meade Photos, Wilhelmina Slater Photos
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Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 15 Quotes

Are you sure? I'm worried that the Cavalli makes you look a little too Michelle Obama at the mall

Marc [to Wilhelmina]

Betty [about speaker]: She's so amazing I can't believe you get to work for her
Girl: What you do sounds a lot more fun, especially during fashion week
Betty: Fashion week isn't nearly as cool as genocide week... sorry that came out wrong