On Heels Season 2 Episode 4, Ace returns to Duffy, determined to leave the DWL and wrestling behind. Back at the DWL, Crystal worries about her first Women’s Division bout. And as things heat up with her and Bobby, Jack contends with a still-smarting Gully.

Photo Credit:
Heels Season 2 Episode 4: "Heavy Heads"
Crystal Tyler, Eddie Earl, Bobby Pin, Big Jim Kitchen
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Heels Photos, Heels Season 2 Episode 4 Photos, Crystal Tyler Photos, Eddie Earl Photos, Bobby Pin Photos, Big Jim Kitchen Photos
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Heels Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Jack: How’d I know you were going to give yourself a starring role in all this?
Rooster: I knew you weren’t gonna give me one. It’s an every man for hisself type of world.

Diego, tryin’ to follow your train of thought is like tryin’ to fuck a kangaroo in the cone of a tornado.
