T.K. is in critical condition in the ICU and fighting for his life after a heroic rescue, and others wait for news.

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9-1-1: Lone Star
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 3: "Shock and Thaw "
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Paul: Thank you guys, for saving me out there. For digging me out of all that concrete and steel and ice.
Mateo: And rebar. It turns out gyms have a lot of rebar.
Paul: OK then, that too. No, but, uh, I knew if anybody was going to come through that wall, it was gonna be my boys from the 126.
Judd: That's because you know how we do.
Paul: I do. I love you guys. I meant that.
Mateo: We should probably hug again.
Judd: Eh, we love you too.
Mateo: I love you, bro.

T.K.: So when did you get in?
Gwyn: Just now. I flew in as soon as I heard about your latest little stint in the hospital. You know you're in there so often you ought to enroll in some sort of rewards program.