The gang has all gathered for a meal. So why does everyone look uncomfortable?

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The CW
Hart of Dixie
Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 9: "End of Days"
Zoe Hart, George Tucker, Lemon Breeland, Lavon Hayes, Wade Kinsella
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Hart of Dixie Photos, Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 9 Photos, Zoe Hart Photos, George Tucker Photos, Lemon Breeland Photos, Lavon Hayes Photos, Wade Kinsella Photos
Los Angeles, California
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Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Zoe: Since when do you even care about this stuff?
Wade: Since I met you.
Lemon: Zoe, you have to admit that was pretty sweet.
Lavon: If you don't marry him, I will.

Somehow in four years of knowing this woman, this particular quirk has never been covered. What else are you [Zoe] hiding from me? Are you even a doctor?
