The new Consul is all business and order for the progress of the Clave. However, with Imogen dead, she doesn't look too happy to see Clary (aka. Valentine's daughter) breaking the rules.

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Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 8: "A Heart of Darkness"
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Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Seelie Queen: You look stunning as always. Edom’s done wonders for your complexion.
Lilith: And you are clearly eager to send me back there.
Seelie Queen: Don’t be silly. Endowing Eve with Seelie beauty was all the revenge my people ever needed.

Jordan: I know you don’t want me around, but you matter to me.
Maia: Stop!
Jordan: And you always will.
Maia: I said stop! It’s taken everything I’ve had to put you behind me. Why won’t you just let me hate you? Just let me hate you!
[Maia’s werewolf transformation begins]