The very sexy Connor (Grant Bowler) gives Betty some advice on the YETI program and networking in general. Everyone seems to be pushing Betty to ignore her family in this episode.

Photo Credit:
Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 11: "Dress for Success"
Betty Suarez
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Ugly Betty Photos, Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 11 Photos, Betty Suarez Photos
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Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Conner: I love the whole "good cop, bad cop" thing you two have going
Daniel: It's not really a thing, it's more like I'm nice and she's not
Wilhelmina: Can I help it that my balls are bigger than his
Conner: God I love this woman

Daniel: We are not going to lose to Elle again
Wilhelmina: If we do, one of you dies