Ana is conflicted when she comes to tell the twins about her engagement but Jesus mentions Gabe.

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The Fosters
The Fosters Season 5 Episode 6: "Welcome to the Jungler"
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The Fosters Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Since the election, there's been a huge rise in incidents of racist, homophobic, and xenophobic harassment across our country. We've seen graffiti with statements of "Make America white again," Jewish cemeteries vandalized, and kids chanting "Build a wall." Shiloh McMullen has referred to immigrants as third world trash, and she said that people of color have contributed nothing to society. If our university won't block this woman from spewing her hateful speech on our campus then we will.


Here's the thing; Choices you make today can stay with you your whole life, and as far as Ana goes, do I wish that it had been different? Yeah, I do. She was my first love, maybe the only one I'll ever have, but it's too late. You don't want to end up carrying around all of that regret. Trust me.
