Gwen and Calvin Bennett don't think Max is fit to have custody of Luna, and they have made it known.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 13: "Fight Time "
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New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Floyd: I need your advice, but you can't make it about you.
Lauren: Only you would ask for advice by opening with an insult.

Gwen: Those voice recordings are beautiful, but you only made them because you don't see Luna for days at a time.
Lawyer: Dr. Goodwin has a very important job.
Gwen: Well, you could leave it. You could work fewer hours. But you choose work over Luna at every opportunity, even when it meant sending her away for months. You work in a hospital. You brought a child into the middle of a plague to make yourself feel more like a father. You were in a recovery ward for days because you exposed yourself to toxic chemicals. Did you stop to think about Luna then?
Max: I think about her every moment of every day. About protecting her, but no one will be safe until everyone is, so that is a lot of people.
Calvin: You saw a roomful of poison and ran right in. You were thinking of Luna? You nearly orphaned her. Her mother is dead. Luna will never remember her, and if you died, all she'll have is voice memos. The sound of some dead stranger who loved her just not enough to put her first. Georgia died in your care knowing she never came first. She was our daughter. We're not letting that happen to our granddaughter.
Max: Maybe you're right. Maybe she is better off with you.