Though Cole is happy to see everyone, he seems angry in this shot? Has he heard some bad news?

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12 Monkeys
12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9: "Tomorrow"
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12 Monkeys Photos, 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9 Photos
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12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Jones: Jonathan, let me show you the machine and then you will see...
Foster: Seeing a machine is not going to make me believe in blasphemy.
Jones: Time has not changed you.
Foster: Go home Kat, consider my offer, but don't ask again for my Core.
Jones: I am not here to ask. I will have your Core. The only thing undecided is, whether you will give it to me or if I must take it.

Foster lied, why? Because it gives his people hope, just as it gave you. So that his obsession to find a cure, his work, can continue.
