Nothing can stop Tyrone Johnson when he channels his powers and gets into a fight. These two enemies should be afraid.

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Cloak and Dagger
Aubrey Joseph
Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 8: "Two Player"
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Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Tandy: Why did you come to that motel to try and save me?
Tyrone: Because I couldn’t imagine my life without you.
Tandy: I did. Andre ... he made me see you dying in front of me. And the one person in the whole world who understood me was gone and it was my fault.
Tyrone: He messed with my head too. He made me feel like you never cared about me, like it was all just an act.
Tandy: Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is better to ignore everything? All I know is I’d rather fight a hundred times with you than without you. So if you’re staying here, so am I.

Baron Samedi: Look!
[A bouquet appears in the glass shelf]
Tyrone: Hey, what is that?
Baron Samedi: A wedding bouquet. And you, my boy, are the bride’s price. A life for a life. A bouquet for the cloak.
Tyrone: But I ... I don’t understand.
Baron Samedi: Time for you two to scat and take your friends with you. The missus likes a clean house.
[He snaps his fingers and they teleport away]