Christy is not sold on the idea of helping Rudy since he doesn't want to change and keeps griping about how awful AA is. Marjorie has to give her some encouraging advice.

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Mom Season 7 Episode 4: "Twirly Flippy Men and a Dirty Bird"
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Mom Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

Rudy: I got a DUI, they suspended my license. so get this, I am legally required to do that thing you do.
Christy: Cry myself to sleep?

Adam: Did you eat the chocolate out of my nightstand drawer?
Bonnie: Sorry, I have to get gas today, I'll pick you up another one.
Adam: This isn't gas station chocolate, it has hints of elderberrie and sea salt and 72% cacao.
Bonnie: You're so upset you don't know how to pronounce it. I love you honey, but it's cocoa.