Christina is ready for her perfect, fairytale love story! <P><P> She is a mom to her amazing 5-year-old daughter, Blakely, who she lives to make happy. <P><P>Since getting divorced, Christina has been searching for her perfect man but must be selective since she and her daughter are in this together. <P><P>Christina is looking for a partner she can trust unconditionally and is open-minded to whatever life throws their way. <P><P>Will Christina get the fairytale ending that she has always wanted with Zach? Only time will tell!

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The Bachelor
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The Bachelor Photos
Los Angeles, CA
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The Bachelor Quotes

I would definitely prefer not to be the first Bachelor rejected at the end of all of this.


This is not another season of The Bachelorette. Or Paradise. This is actually The Bachelor. I know, I’m as surprised as you are.
