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Chesapeake Shores
Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Episode 7: "It's Just Business"
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Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Trace: So how long can you keep doing this?
Abby: Doing what?
Trace: Making homemade ice cream, going to pottery classes, and planning all-day scavenger hunts before you go to work at night?
Abby: I'm just trying to spend quality time with my daughters.
Trace: Abby, it's not a competition.You know, Ms. Marvel is just Wes's girlfriend. She's not you.

Trace: Well that's just it. I mean Greg Lanier's online books were all in order.
Mick: But?
Trace: But it appears he falsified vendor invoices, paying out far more than we ever received.
Mick: So he pocketed the difference?
Trace: He might have, or maybe the business just got away from him, and he started funneling money from one place to the next to pay bills.
Mick: How much is left?
Trace: We took a huge hit, Mick.