One might argue that Cheryl was always a villain on this show. One might also argue that she was never villain and simply misunderstood. However, I think we can all agree that Cheryl has never been darker than in the Season 1 Riverdale final when she burnt down her family's mansion. Cheryl has a very specific aesthetic on this show. Vaguely preppy, very sexy, and almost always garbed in red. At this moment however, in her modest white church dress, she looks part avenging angel and part angry spirit. This is, of course, entirely purposeful on the part of the show runners. In this moment, Cheryl isn't supposed to look like a bitchy high school girl. She's supposed to look like a monster. Even if said monster is entirely in the right with her anger.

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Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13: "Chapter Thirteen: The Sweet Hereafter"
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Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Alice: The night of the homecoming when your father and I were crowned king and queen, the fight that FP saw, I had just told your father I was pregnant. And we disagreed on how best to handle...things. And we had a really big fight, and the next day I went away.
Betty: To the Sisters of Quiet Mercy?
Alice: Yeah, and five months later your brother was born. The Sisters arranged for a quiet adoption.
Betty: God, Mom, I'm so sorry.
Alice: It's the biggest regret of my life.
Betty: I'm so sorry.
Betty: It's okay, Mom.
[They hug and sob]

Veronica: Cheryl, I'm so sorry I'm late.
Cheryl: All you missed was my abdication. The Vixens are in the gym awaiting you, their new Directorix. And I wanted to give you this.
[Gives Her A Shirt]
Veronica: Your "HBIC" shirt?
Cheryl: These last few days have put things in perspective.
Veronica: I understand, but if you personally need anything..
Cheryl: I'm fine...#MyTearsForBlossomMen.
[She leaves]