Grace checks the rate of the radiation on the submarine.

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Fear the Walking Dead
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15: "USS Pennsylvania"
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15 Quotes

Teddy: So, you saved his life because you thought he was going to give you a fresh start. A place to feel safe. A place to call home. A family. Did he?
Dakota: No. Found a place, built a town, filled it with people, but my sis-- my mom, she did the same thing ten times over and I still never felt comfortable in my own skin, in any of her places.
Teddy: You wanna know why? Both of them wanted something from you that you couldn't give them, for you to be somebody you're not. I heard you with Alicia. You want what all of us want, someone to love you just the way you are.
Dakota: You really think I can find that person in your new world.
Teddy: You already have.
Dakota: You?
Teddy: Yeah.
Dakota: Alicia, you put her in the bunker. I thought you saw something special in her.
Teddy: You're right. I did. I love what Alicia will become, but that's something you and I will never be. There's nothing to feel sorry about there. Hell, you are so much like me, Sue. We are two, very logically conclusioned in a world that's built on a foundation of violence and lies and self-interest. That's why we understand each other. I think you'll agree with me when I say that conclusions do not belong anywhere in a world where things are just about to get started.
Dakota: So, what's gonna happen to us?
Teddy: We are going to die up here, with everyone else. I know that's a lot to take in.

Ask yourself this question when you're trying to figure out if you still want to be a part of what we're doing here. Do you wanna pretend to be someone else just to have a chance to keep on breathing?
