Kodie, True, and Madison Chartrand on the run from the police and Millwood Family Services.

Photo Credit:
2020 Cause One Productions Inc. and Cause One Manitoba Inc.
Burden of Truth
Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 4: "Desperate Measures"
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Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Joanna: When Kodie needs to think she goes to the land.
Billy: Yeah, she went somewhere after that first drug test.
Joanna: The Chartrand's have a camp. Kodie took me there once when we were kids.
Billy: Could make sense that she'd bring her kids there now.
Joanna: Yeah, especially 'cause no one else knows where it is. The Chartrand's wanna protect it.
Billy: Yeah, or their criminal enterprise. Keep people away from whatever it is they do up there.
Joanna: Or life is complicated and it's both.

Billy: We have been busting our asses to prove she's a stable mother and now this?
Joanna: We don't know for sure she's the one who took them. I just, I can't believe that she would do something so --
Billy: Irrational. Dangerous. She's out of control around those girls.
Joanna: Billy, she would never hurt them.
Billy: Before today would you have thought she'd ever kidnap them.