Bound for Bahamas

This is how Wilhelmina rolls on the beach. She's seen here in the Bahamas.

Wilhelmina Slater Photo

She's the best. We absolutely love Vanessa Williams in the role of Wilhelmina.

Wilhelmina Pic

On the episode "Plus None," Wilhelmina holds a fund-raiser for Tibetan orphans. Man, we love her.

Anti Malaria

Wilhelmina Slater and company speak out in favor of the anti-malaria initiative, "Nothing but Nets" on the season four premiere of Ugly Betty.

Wilhelmina Slater Pic

Vanessa Williams stars as Ugly Betty on Wilhelmina Slater. She's been nominated for a 2009 Emmy Award.

Wilhelmina Picture

Wilhelmina Slater is one of our favorite characters on TV. She's played by Vanessa Williams.

Claire, Wilhelmina and Cal

Wilhelmina tries to blackmail Claire to Cal Hartley only to find her plan backfire on her.

Tennis Buddies

Wilhelmina attempts to bond with Victoria over a game of tennis in order to get some dirt on Claire.

Wilhelmina and Claire Fight

Wilhelmina and Claire end up getting into a fight when they both have differing opinions on the wedding dress the model should wear for their photo shoot.

A Screaming Wilhelmina

Wilhelmina is a little less than pleased to find out that she will be directly reporting to Clarie. She ends up smashing some planets. Pretty entertaining.

Wilhelmina Wakes Up

Wilhelmina wakes up when she thinks she hears Connor singing a lullaby to her baby. How much did you miss that Australian accent?

Wilhelmina Sleeps

Wilhelmina tries to get some sleep but is haunted by dreams of her ex-boyfriend, Conner.

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]