Setting Up to Party

Caroline sets up here for Elena's birthday party. Tyler and her have a lot to discuss.

Tyler & Caroline

Tyler confronts Caroline in this season three premiere pic. They're hanging out at Elena's birthday party.

Soon to Be Enemies?

A war is brewing on The Vampire Diaries. These three studs will be at the center of it.

Jules and Tyler

Jules thinks she can impart wisdom on Tyler. We shall see if that comes to fruition.

Protecting Tyler

Jules has made her presence on The Vampire Diaries. She's trying to protect Tyler, seen here in the background.

Set to Turn

Life is about to become very complicated for Tyler Lockwood. Look for this character to get his full-fledged werewolf on.

Major Exploration

Caroline will help Tyler explore on The Vampire Diaries episode "The Sacrifice." Look for these two to continue to get closer as season two progresses.

Stroll Through the Woods

Caroline and Tyler stroll through the woods in this scene from "The Sacrifice." Prepare for these two to grow very close on The Vampire Diaries.

Caroline and Tyler Photo

Caroline and Tyler will get involved in an "intense" relationship according to producers. They are seen here in the episode "The Sacrifice."

On Verge of Werewolfdom

Tyler is still a human being in this scene. But a few hours later, the by would be turned into a werewolf. Look out, Mystic Falls!

T. Lockwood

Is there a werewolf out there?!? Tyler has a lot to learn about his family.

Tyler Lockwood Pic

We'll learn a great deal about Tyler Lockwood on season two of The Vampire Diaries. This is a shot of him from "Bad Moon Rising."

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
