Team Guidance - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Tracy seems to be fitting in well with Team Flash. She's doing her part to stop Savitar, and she's keeping watch as Cisco studies the monitors.

Getting Closer - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

How adorable is Tracy and H.R.'s awkward romance? Between the near-miss kiss and his constant stumbling over his words, we love their cuteness.

Cheerleader Wells - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

H.R. has proven himself to be a great coach when someone needs a pep talk. He's doing what he can to make sure Tracy feels at home in the lab. Plus, we're sensing a little crush.

Team Flash Represent! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Team Flash gathers at STAR labs to hear what Tracy has to say. With Iris' life on the line, and future Barry behind Savitar, time is of the essence.

Demonstration Time - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

We know Tracy eventually comes up with the solution to trap Savitar in the Speed Force. But we also know he finds a way out. Could she be preparing a more permanent solution?

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost