Tim Riggins Picture

Tim tries to be there for Lyla. But, really, he's the one who cannot help.

Living Large

Tim gives Jason a hand, while Lyla, and her cleavage, look on.

Swapping Spit

Lyla and Tim continue with their immoral actions. Come on, you two, cut it out!

The Kiss

In the rain, in the desperate confusion, Lyla kisses Tim. This is just wrong.

Walking Out

Tim Riggins walks away from practice. He's gonna regret this.

Fatal Attraction

Tim and Lyla talk about Jason's issues. Sadly, more would come.

Tyra and Tim

They may fight sometimes... but chemistry between Tyra and Tim cannot be denied.

Game Ball

Tim may have slept with Jason's girl... but at least he gave his friend this game ball.

Riggins Hates JV Players

Tim Riggins is not a fan of the JV guys filling in for the protesting starters. Coach says he needs to be more of a leader.

The Evil Make Out Session

Lyla is angry and desperate. And Tim is there. The feelings overflow and this make out session ensues.

Friday Night Lights Quotes

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts...ehh we'll deal with that later.


Elden: So my question to you is, do you really want to make a difference, or are you just feeling sad because you saw a boy get shot?
Eric: Both.

Friday Night Lights Music

  Song Artist
Muzzle of Bees Wilco iTunes
Song Evergreen The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Song Bang a Gong (Get it On) T. Rex