He makes difficult choices - Once Upon a Time

We hated watching Robin break Regina's heart almost as much as he hated doing it. But he made a vow to his wife and he had to stick to his code.

He offers to make breakfast - Once Upon a Time

Robin knows how to treat a lady. After a sexy evening, his first thought is to make breakfast for Regina. We can't blame her for swooning.

He knows when to kiss the girl - Once Upon a Time

Robin and Regina had their ups and downs when they thought Marian had returned from the dead. But their love couldn't be denied.

He's down for a romantic date - Once Upon a Time

There's not a lot of time for intimate moments in Storybrooke. But Robin and Regina managed to squeeze in a few in between battling witches.

He puts pickpocket skills to good use - Once Upon a Time

Robin's not ashamed of his past as a thief. And when he needed to get Regina to open up, he stole the letter right under her nose so she couldn't deny something was bothering her.

He's great at flirting - Once Upon a Time

Regina might not have appreciated the arrow attack, but she had a hard time keeping her distance when Robin turned on the charm.

He shoots first and apologizes later - Once Upon a Time

With a Wicked Witch on the loose, we can't blame Robin for using his arrows on a trespasser. But he apologized to an unimpressed Regina for the error.

He's happy to meet his lady's friends - Once Upon a Time

As Robin attempted to woo a reluctant Regina, he was happy to meet her friend Tinker Bell. Little did he know at the time that Tink had already clued Regina in on Robin being her soulmate.

He's not afraid to speak his mind - Once Upon a Time

Back in the Enchanted Forest, Regina had little interest in Robin's help or opinions. That didn't stop him from offering his expertise when the heroes needed him.

He loves his baby daughter, too - Once Upon a Time

Given the circumstances, we can't blame Robin for being suspicious of Zelena's intentions. He was more than willing to give his baby girl everything she needed.

He's got the cutest son ever - Once Upon a Time

After his wife's death, Robin raised Roland on his own. Given how happy the little guy seems whenever he graces the screen, we think he did a great job.

He's willing to lend a helping hand - Once Upon a Time

After swooping in to save Regina and Snow from a flying monkey, Robin attempted to do the chivalrous thing. He remained unfazed when Regina rejected the gesture.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
