Stiles As a Baby Name - Teen Wolf

Who knew that the character of Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf would inspire someone to name their baby after him?

The Final Showdown - Teen Wolf

Everyone is involved in the final showdown on the winter finale of Teen Wolf. "Riders on the Storm" is the tenth episode of the show's sixth season.

An Unexpected Ally - Teen Wolf

Stiles finds an unexpected ally on Teen Wolf. "Radio Silence" is the fifth episode of the show's sixth season.

Lydia Protects Stiles - Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 6

Lydia protects Stiles from the blast by shielding his body with hers

Stiles Stops Scott's Suicide - Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 6

Stiles stops Scott from committing suicide by holding onto the flare

Gun to His Head

Stiles faces off with the assassin in this suspenseful scene from the Teen Wolf Season 4 episode "Weaponized."

Look Who's Not Listening

Tamra is done listening to Alexis. These women are so very mature.

Bad News for Brandi

Brandi receives an alarming phone call in this Real Housewives scene: her house has been broken into.

Stiles and Malia

Stiles and Malia have some explaining to do. This is a photo from Teen Wolf Season 4.

Ready to Fight on Teen Wolf

Stiles and Lydia are ready to brawl. This is a photo from the Teen Wolf episode "117."

Dylan O'Brien as Stiles (Season 4)

Dylan O'Brien stars as Stiles on the MTV hit series, Teen Wolf.

Paging Melissa McCall

Void Stiles asks for Melissa McCall to be paged, but doesn't wait for the call -- the hospital aid is killed instead. Whoops!

Teen Wolf Quotes

I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. I'm not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but the closest he could was mischief. His mother called him that until...I remember when Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart, always. We're here tonight because my goofball son because he decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.


Don't worry Daddy. I won't let anything happen to you. Ever again.
