How Do We Start A Fire - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Looking at the ground, the liars contemplate how they got to this point in life. It sure looks like they could be debating how to start a fire to get warm before having to rely on some old-fashioned body heat.

Please Free Us - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Aria pleas with someone to set them free. It's most likely Charles, but Emily seems to be staring in a completely different direction than the other liars. Could this be proof that there are two A's?

I Want Food - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

While Spencer is catching some sleep, Hanna is thinking about when, or if, she is getting her next meal. This would be the perfect time for some comfort eating.

Orange is Their New Black - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 25

Orange is the new black on Pretty Little Liars? The gals are all dressed in it for this photo.

More Questions - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 24

Just who could the prosecutor be trying now, one of the liars?

Not Promising - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 24

It looks like Ali also believes she is going down.

and Again - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 24

Emily doesn't look best pleased. Does she still hold a torch for Ali?

Beginning of The End? - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 24

The liars are at court again, but does this spell the end of Alison?

In Court - Pretty Little Liars

So it begins! We're in the courtroom in this Pretty Little Liars photo of Alison's trial. Will she be found guilty?

Liars in Jail - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 21

The Pretty Little Liars have some questions for Alison. They are visiting her here in prison.

Blood Drive - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 19

This is a photo from Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 19, "Out, Damned Spot."

Waiting Room - Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 19

This is a photo from Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 19, "Out, Damned Spot."

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
