Scarlett Volunteers - Nashville

Scarlett volunteers at an eqine therapy ranch on Nashville. "That's My Story" is the fourth episode of the show's sixth season.

The Exes Bluebird - Nashville Season 5 Episode 22

Scarlett and Gunnar perform at The Bluebird's 35th Anniversary event.

Deacon comforts Scarlett - Nashville Season 5 Episode 20

Deacon comforts Scarlett when she breaks down at Highway 65.

Scarlett Self Defense - Nashville Season 5 Episode 20

Scarlett takes a self-defense class after she's robbed at gunpoint.

Scarlett women's shelter fundraiser - Nashville Season 5 Episode 19

Scarlett makes a speech at the fundraiser for a local women's shelter.

Pregnancy Complications - Nashville

Scarlett suffers complications during her pregnancy on Nasvhille. "You Can't Lose Me" is the 19th episode of the show's fifth season.

Gunnar and Scarlett scared - Nashville Season 5 Episode 18

Gunnar and Scarlett hold each other after they are held at gunpoint.

Scarlett confronts the reporter - Nashville Season 5 Episode 17

Scarlett confronts MacKenzie Rhodes, the reporter who outed Damien as the father of her baby.

Confronting Mackenzie Rhodes - Nashville

Scarlett goes to confront the journalist Mackenzie Rhodes face to face on Nashville. "Ghost in This House" is the 17th episode of the show's fifth season.

Deacon embraces Scarlett - Nashville Season 5 Episode 16

After finding out the gender of her unborn baby, Deacon embraces his niece.

Scarlett kisses Deacon - Nashville Season 5 Episode 15

Scarlett confides in and gets great advice from her uncle, Deacon.

Scarlett Is Unimpressed - Nashville

Scarlett is less than impressed with the new girl on Nashville. "A Change Would Do You Good" is the 15th episode of the show's fifth season.

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.