Sibling Love - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Laurel shines so bright as she looks at her sister, Sara. There is no malice in her as she sits here, trying to bring back the spirit she hopes survived through the darkness and the Pit.

Cold - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Sara doesn't look like herself, nor does she look warm. She looks downright miserable. Can't someone get her a blanket or a change of clothing while she's chained to the wall?

Family Photo - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Laurel shows Sara a photo of the sisters and their father from happier times. Will it be enough to get through to her or even set of a spark of recollection?

Chained Canary - Arrow

Things obviously didn't go well with Sara, who is chained to the wall in the dark. That's painful, but Laurel will do her best to work it out. Fingers crossed.

The Sexy Canary - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

The original Canary definitely had a more sexy side to her.

Black Canary Makes a Move - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Black Canary gains some control and appears ready to confront her sister.

The Original - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

The Original Canary up against Vertigo, holding Black Canary's baton. Has Black Canary become Canary in her visions?

Hey Big Sister - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

Sara stares down at her big sister, perhaps wondering why they look so similar, perhaps cheering her on...

Canaries Together for the First Time - Arrow Season 3 Episode 13

When Vertigo gives Laurel a full dose, she faces her biggest fear -- Sara as Canary.

I Got Your Back - Arrow Season 3 Episode 1

Canary has Arrow's back in this photo from the Arrow Season 3 premiere. Was there any doubt?

Here Comes Sara!

Sara is on the attack, flying in from high in "The Man Under the Hood."

Sara in Deathstroke's Grasp

Tiny Sara isn't much of a match for Deathstroke, either. Team Arrow could be in trouble!