In Search of Dean - Supernatural

Sam sets off in search of Dean on Supernatural. "Gods and Monsters" is the second episode of the show's 14th season.

Trying To Reason - Supernatural

The residents from the apocalypse world try to reason with Sam on why it's not a smart idea to go after Dean despite Sam believing his brother can still get through.

Group Meeting - Supernatural

Sam tries to let everyone speak up and what they should do but Sam will ultimately do what is best.

Jack, Castiel and Sam - Supernatural

Sam and Castiel are determined to find a way to Dean, but Jack isn't sure Dean is still there.

Sam Takes The Lead - Supernatural

With Dean now gone, it's up to Sam to keep the group from the apocalypse world in line while also trying to find his brother.

Oh, Fudge - Supernatural

"You know what I say when I feel like swearing? Fudge!" Do we really need to explain why this is so frickin' amusing? Didn't think so.

Sam's Bad Luck - Supernatural

Sam losing his shoe on Supernatural Season 3 Episode 3 was the best. The poor guy was cursed by a rabbit's foot, and his luck just keeping get worse and worse.

Sam And Clowns - Supernatural

Sam's aversion to clowns can always provide a few chuckles, but when he was getting chased on Supernatural Season 7 Episode 14, the absurdity of it all was good for some giggles!

Braveheart Moment - Supernatural

Dean getting his Braveheart moment and using the speech from the movie was icing on the cake of a highly engaging episode. If anyone ever asks you why you can't stop watching Supernatural, just show them this one moment and walk away. Mic drop!

French Mistake - Supernatural

Dean's response to everyone's names never fails for a laugh. It was the moment that made it clear Supernatural doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's OK to laugh at some of the things they do.

Dean Eating Candy - Supernatural

Who else couldn't get over Sam's version of events in Supernatural Season 2 Episode 15? The whole conversation with Bobby, Sam, and Dean was comical, but Dean just continuing to pop candy in his mouth will be an image you can never forget.

Channel Surfing - Supernatural

A lot of people would single out Dr. Sexy, but you have to admit those over the top opening credits of Sam and Dean "investigating" were hilarious especially them riding the bike.

Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
