Teaming Up

Following a place crash and a shoot out, Heroes unite. Will Peter, Ando, Hiro, Mohinder and Parkman get their revenge?

An Awkward Threesome

Will HRG shoot Peter in cold blood? Of course not. Claire convinces her father to let Peter go.

Daddy Issues

Technically, Peter didn't kill his father. But he did fire the shot that ended up in Arthur's brain.

Peter's Got a Gun

Peter has proven that he's surprisingly adept with a gun. We wonder if they taught him that at nursing school.

Brothers, Armed

Nathan and Peter really should save the fighting for another time. There's a world to save, fellas!

Peter and The Haitian

Peter needs help from The Haitian. With an eclipse coming, and evil looming, only he can help.

Climb, Peter!

Peter is on the run in this scene from Heroes. He and Claire (not pictured) hit the sewers to avoid being captured by Knox and Flint.

Angry Parkman

It's rare to see Parkman angry. But Peter and Claire must stop him from getting too fired up in this scene.

The Old Days

In the episode "Villains," Peter and Nathan attended their parents' anniversary party. These were the good ol' days, weren't they?

Brothers, Unite!

Sylar and Peter sort of bond in this scene. Neither is sure if he can trust the other.

Sorry, Peter

Mohinder has evil plans for Peter. Good thing Sylar comes to the rescue.

Level 5 Madness

All Hell is breaking loose in Level Five. That's what happens when you put Peter and Sylar in the same room.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys