HRG in Danger

Guess HRG escapes from that buried trailer, huh? He's held captive by Edgar in this fourth season finale photo.

Aim Taking

HRG takes aim at Samuel and the carnival in this scene. What has Samuel done to HRG that's so terrible? It's unclear.

Sexy Stakeout

Work it, HRG! Noah is not only staking out the carnival in this scene, he's flirting with Lauren.


Lauren and HRG are on the carnival case in this scene. It's courtesy of the episode "The Art of Deception."

Nathan's Funeral

It's too bad HRG, Claire and Peter had to gather for such a sad occasion. They're seen here at Nathan's funeral.

Thanksgiving Host

It's Thanksgiving on Heroes. HRG hosts the awkward dinner, which includes his ex-wife and her new lover.

A Heroes Thanksgiving

Cheers to HRG! He hosts Thanksgiving dinner during this scene from Heroes.

HRG and Tracy

HRG and Tracy make a pretty good team. Will they ever hook up? We hope not.

Life for HRG

HRG is back to his old ways. He's helping people with abilities and, sometimes, getting in trouble for it.

Horned Rimmed Glasses

Say hello to Mr. Noah Bennet. You probably know this Heroes character better as "HRG," of course.

The Confrontation

This has been building throughout season three of Heroes. HRG stares down Danko.

Claire and HRG

Claire and her dad went through a lot during the third season of Heroes. As usual, though, they came through it closer than ever.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys