Cindy Miguens - Pretty Little Liars

Cindy Miguens makeup artist on the set of Pretty Little Liars with Janel Parrish

Mona Vanderwall, Pretty little Liars Season 1 Episode 1

Did we ever find out who A actually was? How many A's were there exactly? Was anything in this show ever actually explained? There was so much back and forth throughout the run of this show that it's nearly impossible to even come up with a coherent synopsis for what the show was about. However, one character whose antagonistic nature seemed to be pretty stable, even when she was helping out one of the main characters, was the character of Mona Vanderwall. The geek girl, turned sexy mean girl was one of the most fun characters to follow throughout the run of the show. In flashbacks, she is often shown in childish attire, glasses and pigtails, representing her innocence at that point in time. In the main time line however, with her blood red lips, cat eyes and darker color palette, her questionable morality is clear. Ladies and gentleman, never trust a girl with blood red lips.

I Got This - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 10

Mona's presence has been scarce during Pretty Little Liars Season 6, but she sure looks like she knows how to work that computer like a pro. I'm intrigued to find out what the hell it controls.

WTF - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 10

Considering we know Ali's already met Charles and knows his identity, this might spell the reveal of Black Swan or Red Coat. The look on the gals faces are a picture, right? They look shocked to the core.

Seeing Red - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 10

The gals might look like they are in a Syfy show, but it's clear they are in search of answers. Anyone else willing to bet that this is the vault that is in the building Rhys works in? Either that or A has taken them in a time machine into the future. Also, could Mona be the person in red we saw chasing Ali last week? It would make A LOT of sense since she was nowhere to be seen.

I Only Kiss Rats - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 6

This is the picture that might prove that the liars are there for Mona, rather than Lesli. She knows something and based on her acting normal, this could be her new lair and it would be a perfect cover up.

Leave It To Me - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 6

Mona does not look impressed. Throughout these stills from the episode, she is the only one who has remained calm and that raises our suspicions that she is back to being the master manipulator. Did she ever have a break?!

I Have A Gift - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 6

Mona has a Radley Sanitarium case file, but could it be Lesli's? You can bet your bottom dollar it is! It may seem like Mona has come to her senses, but don't rule out the possibility that she has manipulated the contents of the file.

Did You Say My Name? - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 6

It sure looks like Mona is back to just popping up in random places. It remains to be seen whether she is on team Lesli, or team liars. Either way, look for some choice words thrown her way from the liars.

It's Cold At Night - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

It looks like those pleas for freedom didn't work and the liars aren't getting back into the dollhouse, so they are spending the night in the yard with their pretty, mucky dresses and each other. I'm sure their conversation will be riveting.

Please Free Us - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Aria pleas with someone to set them free. It's most likely Charles, but Emily seems to be staring in a completely different direction than the other liars. Could this be proof that there are two A's?

But I'm Alison - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 1

Mona is deep in thought, but who could be on this liar's mind? She's probably thinking that she isn't as good as A as well as ways to ramp up her own form of deceit.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
