Powerful Parkman

Parkman finally puts his powers to good use in this interrogation scene. He has to get to the bottom of HRG.

Taking a Listen

Shhh, quiet down please. Matt Parkman has an ability to use.

Easy, Parkman!

Parkman gets fired up during an interrogation of Noah Bennet. Peter tries to calm him down.

Interrogation Time!

In this scene from Heroes, Parkman uses his powers to get to the bottom of HRG. What does he know? How can he help?

Teaming Up

Following a place crash and a shoot out, Heroes unite. Will Peter, Ando, Hiro, Mohinder and Parkman get their revenge?

Dead Daphne?!?

Parkman reacts to the sight of his love, Daphne, in serious trouble. This is a scene from the episode "Trust and Love."


To the chagrin of many fans, Mohinder didn't die during the plane crash that opened volume four. Here he is, alongside Parkman and Daphne.

The Next Isaac

Parkman can't shake the visions of this African dude. He tells Matt that he has a destiny to become a prophet.

Clashing Couple

Daphne and Parkman are together to begin volume four. But they have different ideas on how to live with abilities.

Claire and Parkman

In this scene from Heroes, Claire comes to Parkman's rescue. The shot is taken from the episode "A Clear and Present Danger."

Super Mind Reading

Thanks to Ando, anyone's abilities can now be enhanced. Parkman is finding that out first hand.

Unusual Partners

Parkman and Ando find themselves fighting for a similar cause during volume three of the show. How will they rescue Hiro from the past?!?

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys