Jeremy and Matt Toast

Cheers! Jeremy and Matt share a toast in this scene from The Vampire Diaries installment "Do Not Go Gentle."

Caroline and Matt Photo

Caroline and Matt in a promotional photo from the April 26, 2012 episode of The Vampire Diaries. Yes, Matt is still on the show.

Meeting in the Woods

Four core Vampire Diaries characters gather around here on "The Murder of One." A plot is afoot, clearly.

Fancy Matt Donovan

Looking dapper, Matt Donovan! This Vampire Diaries character is all dressed up here for a ball thrown by Klaus.

Matt in the Woods

Matt goes on a trek in this scene fro The Vampire Diaries. It's courtesy of the episode "Our Town."

Turning 18!

Don't be fooled for her sad expression. It really is Caroline's 18th birthday on The Vampire Diaries.

Twice the Gulp!

Elena and Matt react in this scene from "Homecoming." And not very well, either.

Matt Donovan Photograph

Matt hasn't been involved a lot on season three. But look for that to change as he learns more about Vicki.

News for Matt

Jeremy has rather major news to break to Matt on season three of The Vampire Diaries. Remember Vicki? She's not so dead anymore.

Questioning Jeremy

Matt has many questions for Jeremy and for good reason. His sister is back? What?!?

Matt and Jeremy

We'll be seeing a lot of Matt and Jeremy together on season three of The Vampire Diaries. The latter tells the former about his returning sister.

Matt and Caroline Scene

This is a bit awkward. Matt and Caroline try to act normal during Elena's 18th birthday party.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
