Final Poker Game

Desperate Housewives said goodbye forever on 5/13/12. But not before the ladies played one final game of poker.

Desperate Housewives Finale Photo

Lynette, Gaby and Susan look on here in court, as the fate of Bree is decided on the Desperate Housewives finale.

Penny's Birthday Party

Lynette has a reason to be upset. Jane delivers bad news to her here during Penny's birthday party.

At the Scavo House

You're looking at Tom and Lynette at home. It's a scene from the episode "What's to Discuss, Old Friend."

Questioning Lynette

What do you know, Lynette? Chuck questions to Desperate Housewives character here, regarding Alejadro's disappearance.

Return to the Scene of the Crime

Gulp, be careful ladies. It's back to the scene of the crime on the Halloween-themed episode of Desperate Housewives.

Back in the Dating Game

Why, hello there. Lynette jumps back into the dating pool in this scene.

Work It, Housewives!

Work it, ladies! Lynette and Renee burn some calories and dish some gossip in this scene.

Fun Night Ahead

Hey, can we come over? It looks like Lynette has a fun evening in mind.

DH Shot

Desperate Housewives is back May 1, 2011. Check out a photo from the episode here.

High Class Lynette

Lynette going high class? She gives it a shot in this Desperate Housewives scene.

Lynette Pic

On the episode "I'm Still Here," Lynette takes issue with her mom. She doesn't approve of the latter's marriage.

Desperate Housewives Quotes

Let's find something fun-size for me to enjoy.


Preston: We don't want to get spanked.
Porter: Yeah, we promise we'll be good.
Lynette: Too late, you stole and then you lied. Even worse, you made me look bad in front of Mrs. McCluskey, who you know is mommy's sworn enemy. Time to pick your poison. How 'bout a belt? It's a classic... Well, we could go with the old hickory stick. It's a cliche, but it's pretty effective. I know, we'll go with the spatula. The holes give it less wind resistance; moves faster.
Scavo kids: No! No! No! No!
Lynette: Guys, guys, guys, hey my hands are tied. Thieves get spanked. Just the way it works. Unless...
Porter: Unless what?
Lynette: For a first time offense, if you swear, cross your heart, that you will never, never steal again, and you write Mrs. McCluskey a letter of apology, I will let it slide.
Scavo kids: Okay! Yeh! We swear! Yeh! We swear!
Lynette: Alright, start with Dear Mrs. McCluskey.
Porter: Mommy, why are you smiling?
Lynette: Do you know what physiological warfare means?
Porter: No.
Lynette: Well, too bad for you