Lexie and April

Lexie and April look on in "Sympathy for the Parents," the April 1, 2010 episode of Grey's Anatomy. What do you think happens this week?

The Littler Grey

Lexie Grey in "Push" from Season 6 of Grey's Anatom. Poor girl. That's all we can say right now.

Lexie Working It

Lexie hard at work in "Push." What do you think will happen with her in this episode?

Blonde and Beautiful Doc

Lexie Grey is beautiful in any hair color, but being a blonde sort of suits her ... at least it suits her current, transitional phase.

Lexie as a Blonde

Lexie Grey makes a cute blonde if you ask us! We know you didn't, but she's still awesome.

Blonde Lexie!

Yes, this is Lexie Grey! Blonde! Who would have guessed?

Karev Looks on

Alex looks on as Derek speaks. Lexie can be seen behind him.

L. Grey

Lexie Grey rules. She's been through a lot, and we heart her!

Hookup Partners

Alex and Lexie are on the move. To somewhere. Where, we will soon find out February 4.

Lex Grey Photo

Lexie Grey is so cute, we can barely stand it. You better get her back Mark!

Mer and Lexie Grey

Meredith and Lexie Grey in a photo from "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked." Will the Grey girls find themselves at odds over Lexie and Alex?

Lex Grey

Lexie Grey is the dirty mistress of the hour on Grey's Anatomy. Alex hit that ... now Izzie may tell him to hit the road.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.