Klaus at Graduation

No, Klaus is not graduating. But he is attending the ceremony, as you can see here.

Parting from Mystic Falls

Parting is such sweet sorrow for Klaus. But he has a city to go control down south.

Parting Words for Caroline

Klaus is leaving for New Orleans. He has some parting words for Caroline in this scene.

Klaus Contemplates

Klaus has a lot to consider. The Original contemplates life in New Orleans in this still.

Calm Down, Klaus!

Elijah tries to comfort Klaus in this scene from The Vampire Diaries. It's courtesy of "The Originals."

Siblings Down South

Elijah tries to offer some words of wisdom to Klaus in this scene from "The Originals." Will you follow them to New Orleans?

Klaus Down South

Klaus strolls down the streets of New Orleans in this photo. It's from the backdoor pilot "The Originals."

An Original in New Orleans

We're in The Big Easy here with Klaus. This is a special look at The Original from The Vampire Diaries.

Klaus in The Big Easy

Klaus is very unhappy about something, as we see here in a still from the backdoor pilot to The Originals.

Klaus in New Orleans

We're in New Orleans with Klaus for "The Originals." Something is amiss in his former home town.

Klaus Shirtless

Klaus is hurt. Klaus is vulnerable. And Klaus is, yes, shirtless. Enjoy, ladies!

Caroline with Klaus

Now, listen here, Klaus! Caroline has a chat with our favorite Hybrid in this "American Gothic" scene.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
