Looking Unhappy - Castle Season 7 Episode 2

Why are Detectives Esposito and Ryan looking so unhappy? Does it have something to do with what Castle is telling Beckett?

Ryan Had His Back - Castle Season 7 Episode 2

We'll never forget how Kevin Ryan had Castle's back through most of his disappearance. The same can't be said for all of his colleagues.

Death at a Toy Store - Castle

Detectives Beckett, Ryan and Esposito investigate the death of the CEO of a toy store on this episode of Castle.

Eyes On the Prize - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

Ryan must have something important on his phone but Kate's only got eyes to find one man. "Driven" is the first episode of the seventh season of Castle.

Having Her Back - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

Kate always knows she can count on Ryan and Esposito to have her back. Searching for Castle is no exception.

What Will They Find? - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

Beckett, Ryan and Esposito are definitely gunning for answers. We have little doubt they'll find their man.

What's Up Ryan? - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

Is Detective Ryan winded or just looking at something very important on the season 7 premiere of Castle?

The Search Is On - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

The search is on to find a missing Rick Castle on the season 7 premiere on September 29th.

Talk About Serious! - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

Detective's Ryan, Esposito, and Beckett look like they've just come across something pretty shocking! We can't wait to find out what it is.

Keeping Them in the Dark

Did Beckett keep Ryan and Esposito in the dark about her current investigation into her mother's murder?

The Boys From the '70s

Did they all get their shades from the same store? Our boys definitely went all out with their '70s looks. Who is your favorite?

We Have No Words

Honestly, we have no words. Except maybe groovy, far out and we hope to catch them on the flip side.

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
