Suarez Sunshine - Ugly Betty

Justin is the sunshine and sass of the Suarez family and has a word to say about the latest issue of the magazine.

Ugly Betty Season 2 Cast

The cast for Ugly Betty Season 2 featuring America Ferrera, Eric Mabius, Ana Ortiz, Vanessa Williams, Ana Ortiz, Michael Urie, Becki Newton and more.

The Suarez Family Meeting?

Is everyone ganging up on Betty?

On the catwalk

Looks like the whole Suarez gang is here!

Justin and Betty

Justin comes with Betty to the MAMA awards and tries to put on a smile after not getting into his performing arts school.

Hilda and Justin Before the Show

Hilda finds out from Justin that he's going to play the lead in the school's production of West Side Story after Justin accidentally gave the original lead a walnut sandwich. He's allergic to walnuts. Whoops.

Hilda Shows Off Her Wedding Dress

Justin, Betty and cousin Clara (Justina Machado) look at Hilda in her new, hideous wedding dress she was given. Don't worry, she's not going to wear it to the wedding.

Suarezes Go First Class

The Suarez family flies first class to Guadalajara, Mexico in order to give Ignacio a chance to apply for a US Visa and to come to America legally.

Justin Picks out Outfits

Justin helps Betty pick out an outfit for her little "date" or Jesse. What a good nephew with interesting fashion sense.

Betty and Justin Listen to Jesse

Betty and Justin stand eagerly in the crowd as they listen to Jesse's band, Dark Sexual Journey. Jesse even dedicates a solo song to Betty.

Justin, Ignacio and Hilda

Everyone from the Suarez family is prepared to help Betty with her party just to impress a boy. And this boy is no Henry.. or Gio. We're just saying.

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]