Jenna and the Gilberts

The Vampire Diaries flashes back to Elena's past in this scene. You're looking at Jenna and the elder Gilberts.

Flashback to Jenna

Hey, it's aunt Jenna! We've missed her on The Vampire Diaries and we see her here in a flashback on "The Departed."

Her Final Moments

RIP, Jenna. Elena's aunt is seen here moments prior to her death.

Andie, Jenna

Andie and Jenna on The Vampire Diaries.

Elena and Jenna Pic

Elena and Jenna in the April 21 episode of The Vampire Diaries. "Klaus" makes an appearance then.

Staring at the Stage

What is Jenna, Elena and Bonnie staring at? Caroline on stage, singing!

Can We Chat?

Alaric has a lot to talk about with Jenna. He asks if he can have a moment in this scene from "The House Guest."

Elijah, Jenna and Alaric

This can't be good. Jenna has no idea about the connection between Elijah and Alaric, both of whom are with her here.

Aunt Jenna Photo

Some day, Aunt Jenna may learn the truth about various residents of Mystic Falls. But not any time soon.

Jeremy and Bonnie

Jeremy and Bonnie have grown close throughout season two. They're seen here, walking the halls together.

Aunt Jenna

Jenna Sommers has a difficult task on The Vampire Diaries: look after her sister's kids, one of whom is in love with a vampire.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
