Who is Missing? - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

We see Esposito. We see Ryan. Beckett's arrived at the scene of the crime but the one person we don't see is Castle!

The Pitbull - Castle

A personal injury attornery known as "The Pitbull" is murdered on Castle. "Habeas Corpse" is the 19th episode of the show's seventh season.

We Get Espo Too - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

Oh good. We get to see Esposito in the spacesuit too. But where's Ryan? And wouldn't you just pay to see Capt. Gates in there too?

Having Castle's Back Season 7 Episode 13

We expect Ryan to have Castle's back, but can we expect the same from Javi? Esposito doesn't always take Castle's side.

Amused and Apprehensive - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Whatever is happening, Esposito looks amused while Beckett just looks apprehensive.

In or Out - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

So is Esposito filling Castle in on the case or telling him that he still can't be a part of this investigation?

Not To Be Left Out - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Not to be left out of a murder investigation, Castle's found a way to work with Beckett. He's gotten his Private Investigator's license.

Advice for Espo - Castle Season 7 Episode 10

Now that Kate's so happily married, maybe she'll have some advice she can share with Esposito about his relationship with Lanie.

Despite the Lights - Castle Season 7 Episode 10

Despite the holiday lights, murder makes the season seem grim. Hopefully Castle can still bring the joy to Christmas.

The Holiday Team - Castle Season 7 Episode 10

The team from the 12th precinct is on the case, hard at work even during the holiday season.

Things Look Tense - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

Things look pretty tense in that subway. We hope that Castle, Beckett and Ryan are working behind the scenes to help save them.

Two Cops On a Train - Castle Season 7 Episode 8

It appears there's another police officer on this train. Will she and Javi be able to team up to take the hostage taker down?

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
