
Those two new chicks are coming over from Mercy West and totally angling for Izzie's job ... or whatever jobs they can secure. "Invasion" is a good title for this episode.


Izzie and Alex got married in May of 2009 near the end of Season 5 of Grey's Anatomy. But life has not gotten any easier since.

Let Me At 'Em!

In this scene from "Invasion," it appears Izzie wants a piece of some of the new residents. Oh, it's going to get ugly this week, alright.

Richard and Isobel

It looks like a tense moment between Izzie and Richard in this scene from "Invasion." Could it be that our fave is getting fired, or at least is placed on temporary leave or suspension?

On the Chopping Block?

Izzie and Richard in a scene from "Invasion." Could it be that our girl is getting the axe, or at least is placed on temporary leave?

LOL Moment

We have no idea what's going on here yet, as this episode hasn't aired at the time we're uploading this picture. But it looks funny!

The Fabulous Four

The surviving four of our five original interns-turned-residents at Seattle Grace. They look to be having some fun here!

Wig Style

Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) dons a strawberry blonde wig in "I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me," from the sixth season of Grey's Anatomy. Are you a fan of the color change?

Karev and Stevens Picture

Drs. Alex Karev and Izzie Stevens, who are married, in Season 6 of Grey's Anatomy. These two make a cute couple, we've always thought - but can their marriage last?

Wiggin' Out

Izzie Stevens wigs out on Grey's Anatomy. Literally. She's got a wig on.

Saddest Pic Ever

Izzie cries at the grave of her deceased best friend. R.I.P., George. R.I.P.

Crying Trio

Alex, Izzie and Cristina cry at George's funeral. And with good reason. He meant a lot to them.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.