Bored Heroes

Hiro and Ando look as excited to be included on the Heroes season four finale as viewers are to actually watch it.

An Awful Hiro

Remember when Hiro was an entertaining, heroic character? Seems like an awfully long time ago.

Return of Adam Monroe

David Anders shows up on Heroes again on the episode "Pass/Fail." Hiro relives his past during the installment.

Wasted Hiro

It's easy to forget, but Hiro was once an entertaining, focused, driven character. In recent seasons, though, he's been nothing but comic fodder.

Mohinder, Ando and Hiro

Look at Mohinder, Ando and Hiro go! Seriously, does anyone care about these characters any longer?

Hiro Promo Pic

It's too bad Heroes completely destroyed the character of Hiro. We like Masi Oka a lot in the role.

Charlie and Hiro Kiss

Awww! When Hiro goes back in time, it looks as though things go pretty well with Charlie.

An Odd Duo

Samuel and Hiro? This can't be a safe combination for anyone involved.

Hospitalized Hiro

Hiro is dealing with his illness as well as possible. This photo is taken from the episode "Tabula Rasa."

Happy Hiro

Hiro is ill. As you can tell, though, he's handling his sickness as well as one can.

Samuel Meets Hiro

Samuel tries to recruit Hiro in this scene from the season premiere. The former is played by Robert Knepper.

Photo of Hiro

On the fourth season of Heroes, Hiro faces a serious illness. This is a shot of the character from the season premiere.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys