Standing by - The Flash Season 3 Episode 15

Caitlin and H.R. look much calmer than Cisco as he runs the experiment. Maybe he's not in the mood for H.R.'s humor.

H.R. lightens the mood - The Flash Season 3 Episode 15

The tension in the lab seems higher than normal. H.R.'s always quick to step up with an observation or quip. But they're not always appreciated.

Team Meeting - The Flash Season 3 Episode 15

Jesse arrives for what looks like a Team Flash meeting. Except there's one person missing: where's Wally?

H.R. brings the magic - The Flash Season 3 Episode 14

Team Flash seems to be celebrating Valentines' Day a few weeks late. We're not surprised to see H.R. going all out for the holiday. He loves love.

Cisco steps in - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

We can't see Cisco's face in this picture, but he certainly has H.R. and Gypsy's attention.

Flash to the rescue - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

Can The Flash stop Gypsy from taking H.R. home? Of course the bigger moral question is should he? After all, H.R. did break the law.

H.R.'s bags are packed - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

Barry's by H.R.'s side as he prepares to turn himself in for breaking Earth-19's laws.

H.R.'s final speech? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

We know H.R. loves to talk. Might this be his final opportunity to share his wisdom/terrible jokes with Team Flash?

H.R. Captured - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

Gypsy traveled from Earth-19 to arrest H.R. for illegal traveling between worlds. Looks like she's good at her job!

HR's Prep - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

HR looks like a man about to give a big presentation. Or he's being backed into a corner by a villain. One can never tell.

HR's Demonstration - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

HR's been talking about opening Star Labs to the public since he arrived. Is this part of his plan?

HR's New Toy - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

We know Star Labs is big, but does HR really need a scooter to get around? Maybe he's trying to keep up with Barry.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost