Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars cast photo police lineup photo.

Worried Hanna - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 6

What did we do? Hanna looks rather concerned in this Pretty Little Liars photo, doesn't she?

Reunited - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 12

The gals are taking a break between filming their scenes to give us this photo of them smiling for us.

Emily Smiling?! - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 12

Emily's coming clean about something, but we'll have to wait to find out what it is. Might it be something about Paige, considering they both stayed in the same city?

Tell Me What's Going On! - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 12

Hanna and Emily are making it their mission to catch up on everything they've missed in the five years, but will Emily come clean to Hanna about her drug use?

WTF - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 10

Considering we know Ali's already met Charles and knows his identity, this might spell the reveal of Black Swan or Red Coat. The look on the gals faces are a picture, right? They look shocked to the core.

Seeing Red - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 10

The gals might look like they are in a Syfy show, but it's clear they are in search of answers. Anyone else willing to bet that this is the vault that is in the building Rhys works in? Either that or A has taken them in a time machine into the future. Also, could Mona be the person in red we saw chasing Ali last week? It would make A LOT of sense since she was nowhere to be seen.

Fake Prom Pose - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 9

The gals have went all out to impress their significant others. If they went to the school prom they would hands down be the best dressed there. I wonder if Hanna stole her dress. Let's face it, she stole a car a few weeks back.

Hanna's Turn - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

Hanna has been known to hit us with some hilarious one-liners, so I expect nothing less than to be laughing here. In the promo she makes a comment about A coming face to face with her fist. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see her swing a punch at him/her?

We Ain't Buying What You're Selling - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

Would it be an episode of Pretty Little Liars with the gals giving form Queen Bee, Alison, some shade? No, it would not and we love it, but it makes us think she's trying to defend Charles in some way from them.

Give Us Answers - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

It's Alison's turn to speak since the gals have barely laid eyes on her recently. Will she hold some of the clues to solving this game? We're not so sure, but we still NEED to know what she's talking about.

Things Are Getting Tense - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 7

Could they both be arguing about Lorenzo's relationship with Ali, or are they not sure about what to do next? Either way, we'll have to tune in and watch the episode to see what goes down. It's sure to be a good one!

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
