Belle Gideon True Love's Kiss - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 1

Gideon gives Belle True Love's Kiss in a dream while he is a fetus because of reasons.

Gideon's Ready to Fight - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 22

Uh-oh! Gideon's retrieved the sword he's supposed to use to kill Emma. We hope the Black Fairy is controlling him. We'd hate to see him switch sides like his father.

Whose Side Will Gideon Choose? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 22

The Black Fairy's curse scattered Storybrooke's residents. But it looks like Gideon's still in town. Does he have his memories? Or has his grandmother found a new way to control him?

Disappearing Act - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Both fairies are gone now, but Gideon's been left behind. We know the Black Fairy is desperate to keep her secrets buried. But how far will she go to make sure that happens?

Surprise, It's Me! - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Things make a little more sense now that the Black Fairy has appeared in Snow's place. Was she pretending to be her all along? That doesn't bode well for anyone. Especially Blue.

A Willing Hostage? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Gideon's used powerful magic in the past. Powerful enough to stop the Dark One in his tracks. So we can't help thinking that maybe he doesn't mind being trapped with his parents.

Listening to Reason? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

We know the Black Fairy's controlling Gideon's heart. But he's managed not to fall completely under her spell. Will his parents be able to convince to work against her?

True Love - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

The Black Fairy may have raised him, but no one could ever love Gideon as much as Belle. She's determined to break through to her son.

A Mother's Love - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Belle's love has saved Gideon in the past. No matter what the Black Fairy does, she can't erase Belle's influence. We're hoping this might be a turning point for the family.

Gideon Breaks Down - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Rumple and Belle will do anything to save their son. Even if that means tying him to a chair! But why is he in pain? Could it be his grandmother's doing?

Evil Smiles - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 18

That's more like it! Whatever the Black Fairy's planning, she certainly thinks things are going her way. Gideon doesn't look as convinced. Then again, it's hard to feel any emotion without a heart.

Casting Spells - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 18

The Black Fairy is ready for the final battle. Or, she's about to be once she completes whatever mischief she's contemplating at the well. Will Gideon be forced to help?

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
